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There are four principles of training, plus the important principle of progression, that should guide all coaching philosphies.  The four principles of training are SPECIFICITY, OVERLOAD, RECOVERY, AND ADAPTATION.  All four principles are affected by and have an effect on each other and must be considered together when devising a training plan.  As well, a fifth prinicple, the principle of progression, must be clearly understood and is at the heart of a successful training program. 


The Principle of Progression


When all training components are progressed simultaneously. In this model the ability of the athlete, in terms of volume (mileage) and intensity, begins at a lower level, at the begining of the season.  As the athlete specifically trains (overload), recovers and adapts, he is capable of running more miles, running faster and recovering quicker.  The athlete's abilities, specifically the ability to run farther and faster, progressively improve over the course of the training period.  A logical training design that progressively adds all training components simultaneously is even more essential at the end of the season as  we approach the races we train all season to be successful at: the Championships.

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Jason Lewis



Can you become better? Well that all depends on what you are willing to sacrifice in order to make things happen. In College, before the 2005 NAIA National XC Championships, Coach Scott Simmons delivered a speech I will never forget. Coach Simmons went on to say:


"There's no magic happening on that course on Saturday. No special feeling. It's still going to hurt just like every other race. That's the challenge. Others teams will be looking for a magic feeling. They'll think all this tapering will suddenly make them feel differently during the race. It won't happen, so don't expect it. You're prepared and it will feel the same." 


Our training programs works, we have years of success to back that up.  I have studied and trained under some of the best Track and Field Coaches in the World. 


Coach Lewis



-Race Distance

-Effort or Race Pace

-Pain and Discomfort Levels

-Environment and Race Conditions

-Training Age

-Actual Age

-Lifestyle and Background

-Physical Weakness and / or Structural Limitations

-Current Lifestyles

-Training Environment




-Weekly Volume

-Long Run Volume

-Tempo Run Volume

-Interval Workout Volume

-Weekly Mileage Pace (easy tempo pace)

-Long Run Pace, Tempo Run Pace

-Interval Workout Pace

-Plyometric /Strength Training (Volume, Intensity and Resistance)




While Specificity is the most important principle of training, recovery is the key to training's realization.  If the body is specifically overloaded, it will break down.  But without recovery, the body continues to breakdown to the point of inability or injury.


-Easy Tempo (E.T.) Running

-Nutrition and Hydration





When an athlete is specifically overloaded, his current ability drops below his previous baseline or stasis level. This level of stasis, or ability, will change with adaption. With the load, the body is broken down.  After the load is incurred, the body's ability to perform is compromised. After the load is applied, a specific recovery is then applied to the athlete. Lo and behold, the body's ability returns to baseline. 


Now, if recovery is truly effective and specific, we find that the body super-compensates and becomes stronger and fitter, thus increasing the athletes ability, in that specific aspect, to a new level. We then start the process all over again by specifically breaking down that, or some other ability, and we are on our way to helping this athlete achieve his goals.

One Session



Perhaps you don’t want to invest in a 6 week Personal Coaching Program, but still want some personal attention, guidance, and support in achieving your running goals.


Individual Coaching Sessions

Individual Coaching Sessions with

Pit Stop Training Camp, LLC is for a basic Training session.


-You will be contacted within 24 hours of payment confirmation to initiate program

Training Programs  

Face-To-Face Stardard Coaching



Include the following features:

Initial Consultation and interview

Athletic Assessment and Analysis

Definition and Clarification of running goals

Creation of customized training plan to support defined goals

Weekly email correspondence

Weekly training diary feedback

Schedule phone consultation

-1 session per week

-6 week program


-You will be contacted within 24 hours of payment confirmation to initiate program

Face-To-Face Premier Coaching



Include the following features:

Initial Consultation and interview

Athletic Assessment and Analysis

Definition and Clarification of running goals

Creation of customized training plan to support defined goals

Weekly email correspondence

Weekly training diary feedback

Schedule phone consultation

*Includes all of the features of the Standard​ Coaching*


​ Program and the following additional features:

-Unlimited email correspondence

-Unlimited phone consultation

-2 weekly face-to-face coaching sessions

​-6 week program
-You will be contacted within 24 hours of payment confirmation to initiate program
All Star Coaching



Include the following features:

Initial Consultation and interview

Athletic Assessment and Analysis

Definition and Clarification of running goals

Creation of customized training plan to support defined goals

Weekly email correspondence

Weekly training diary feedback

Schedule phone consultation


*Includes all of the features of the Standard​ Coaching*


​ Program and the following additional features:

-Unlimited email correspondence

-Unlimited phone consultation

-3 weekly face-to-face coaching sessions

​-6 week program


-You will be contacted within 24 hours of payment confirmation to initiate program

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